Financial PlannersNewsFinancial Planning in Perth

When our financial planning professionals talk to people in our Perth office, we occasionally talk to people who have the opinion that “financial planning is only for rich people.” At Approved Financial Planners, we have the backing of our parent company, AMP Capital. Here is what they have to say about how financial advice can be helpful to you, no matter where you are on the financial ladder.*

Helping You Attain Your Financial Goals

No matter where you are on the “ladder,” your financial goals are going to be unique. Whether you are planning your retirement or just trying to take your current situation to the next level, you can find help from Approved Financial Planners. A financial adviser can function as another set of eyes and help give you a different perspective on your individual financial situation and what you need to do to achieve your goals.*

Why Advice Can Be Helpful

A financial planner can be like your own, personal “money coach.” They have access to information and expertise that can help you figure out where you want to go and how to get there. It’s never too early to start; the faster you start, the faster it is possible to attain your goals.*

How a Financial Adviser can Help You

We strongly advocate having a firm set of goals and a solid plan to achieve them. A financial planner or adviser can help you with the following steps:*

Formulate a budget.*
Manage your money.*
Choose the investment strategy that is right for you.*
Set a retirement date and make a plan to get there.*
Protect yourself and protect your family.*
Maximise your superannuation.*

Call Approved Financial Planners Today

At Approved Financial Planners, we can help you take control of your finances. Our financial planners are highly experienced. Our goal is to help you build and maintain wealth at each crucial stage of life.

To learn more, call us today: 08 6462 0888.

*AMP, “Understanding Financial Advice.”