Navigating the Loan Marketplace
When we are providing our clients with financial planning services from our Perth office, one of the more important aspects is the ability to borrow money for a home, a car or other needs. This piece is one in a series we are doing where we give you a shortened, easy to read version of what ASIC has to say about various aspects of household finance.
All information provided here is general and compliant with ASIC regulations.
Can You Afford to Borrow?
ASIC advocates making sure that you can afford repayments before taking out any loan and they recommend the following questions.*
What am I Borrowing This Money For?
Is it to pay bills or debt? Is it to help friends or family? Is it something you really need or is it something you just want?*
Is Borrowing the Best Choice?
Do you have any option that doesn’t involve borrowing? Can you save for the item and pay cash? Can you put it on layaway and pay it off later?*