Retirement Planning What Is The Most Serious Financial Risk Retirees Face?

What Is The Most Serious Financial Risk Retirees Face?

Retirees can face serious financial risks unique to this period of your life. As a retiree, consider all risks when planning for this momentous stage. The risk factors during retirement are not limited to an economic standpoint alone. You must also be mindful of the health risks you face, and have your affairs in order so that your family isn’t burdened as you age.


The most common financial risks that retirees face include the following:

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Retirement Planning What Is The Biggest Expense For Retirees?

What Is The Biggest Expense For Retirees?

Leading up to retirement, you can’t help but wonder what is the biggest expense for retirees. When you retire, you would expect your expenditures to drastically decrease, in fact, that is the general consensus on what should happen. You may cut some work-related costs such as clothing and transportation. However, this is not necessarily a forgone conclusion, without proper planning. The reason for this is other necessities, such as medical bills or travel expenses for leisure activities, come into the picture. In this article, we will talk about the biggest expenses for retirees and what you can do about them. 

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Retirement Planning What Is A Good Monthly Retirement Income?

What Is A Good Monthly Retirement Income?

You are entering the next chapter of your life and retiring and you’re asking yourself the question, what is a good monthly retirement income? It’s your goal to ensure that you will get to live comfortably and you will get to sustain the lifestyle that you desire. Many factors may affect it, but your first and foremost concern is gaining a good monthly retirement income. Answering this question requires careful planning and research, but it is well worth it so that you can enjoy a relaxed and secure retirement. In this article, we will talk about what we consider a good monthly retirement income.

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Retirement Planning How Much Do I Need To Retire In Australia?

How Much Do I Need To Retire In Australia?

If you’re asking yourself the question, how much do I need to retire in Australia, then this article is for you. Taking proactive steps will enable you to rest assured that you can afford a comfortable retirement. It is beneficial to weigh up how much you need to retire comfortably against your expectations of the retirement lifestyle you have always dreamt of. This article will discuss how much you need to retire in Australia and what steps you should take for great retirement planning.

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Retirement Planning What Are The Biggest Financial Mistakes That Retirees Make

What Are The Biggest Financial Mistakes That Retirees Make?


What Are The Biggest Financial Mistakes That Retirees Make? Retirement is a transition that we cannot avoid, and all of us will eventually have to face it. When approaching retirement, it is essential to be mindful of any financial mistakes that could derail our plans. The consequences of making a financial mistake can be more severe than when you are still earning money and in your prime. Unless you have started early and built up significant assets, you may need to be more realistic in your lifestyle expectations and take steps to minimize the chance of getting caught up in the common pitfalls that lay in waiting for the unsuspecting retiree trying to “catch up”. In this article, we will talk about the biggest financial mistakes that retirees make and what can be done to avoid them.

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Superannuation FundInsurance ProtectionNewsRetirement Planning superannuation statements in Australia

Superannuation Statements – What to Check

Last financial year’s superannuation statements are hitting your mail boxes over the last week.

It is important that you check your details are correct. The type of information you should be checking:

  • What is your balance.
  • Is the balance trending upwards over time – remember the Centrelink aged pension will probably not provide enough for the niceties in life. Chances are you will be relying on your superannuation for a better quality of life in your retirement.
  • Are all this year’s superannuation payments showing on your statement?
    Only recently we had a client whose superannuation guarantee payments from his employer were going into a different fund to the one he thought. And in rare cases, unscrupulous employers have been known not to make their payments at all even though they have a legal requirement to do so.
  • Do you have insurance within your superannuation (life, income protection or total permenant disability)?  Is it still sufficient for your needs?
    Remember that insurance premiums within your super fund are paid from your superannuation returns rather than billed to your directly. This makes them a convenient form of extra financial security, but one which it is easy to overlook.
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NewsRetirement Planning Retirement Planning Essentials

What the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) Says About Retirement Planning

We offer full service retirement planning in our Perth office. In a recent blog post, Certified Financial Planner James McFall of the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) outlined ten steps he feels are essential to a comfortable retirement. As a public service, we would like to provide the information that we think is relevant to you. Remember, though, that we can only provide financial advice via a personal, one on one consult.

Retirement Planning Essentials

The FPA advocates identifying what it is that you value the most in life. After you have done this, they recommend prioritising what is important to you and then creating a list of firm goals which can be turned into a financial plan. *

According to Mr McFall, your superannuation fund is probably going to be your biggest retirement asset. He likens it to a “tax haven, but…legal.” *

The next step is to determine how much you can save and use that amount to make your plans. Mr McFall reminds that savings and home equity are available for investment and that you may consider investing either or both. He also feels that it is important to take full advantage of tax laws to lower your liability. *

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NewsRetirement Planning Investment Property for Retirement Income

Retirement Planning 101: Pros and Cons of Investment Property for Retirement Income

Our retirement planning professionals have been helping clients in the Perth area since 2005. We have more than 40 years of combined experience in the financial planning and advising field. Property investing is currently a popular form of saving for retirement. We would like to share with you some warnings from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission about property investing to help you decide whether or not it is appropriate.

“Pros” of Property Investing

One of the more attractive benefits about property investing is that you can create rental income while also benefiting from capital growth over time, assuming that your property actually does increase in value. Another benefit is that property is a less volatile investment than shares. When you invest in a bricks and mortar rental property, it is a tangible asset that you can touch and see.*

There is also a tax benefit to property investing. You can use the costs of maintaining and managing your property as an offset against your taxes. The interest on your loan can also be used to lower your taxes.*

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NewsRetirement Planning Age Pension During Retirement

Do You Want to Rely on Age Pension?

Age pension still exists to help those who need it, but the retirement planning professionals in our Perth office are dedicated to helping you secure a future in which you don’t have to rely on age pension.

Our Approach

The earlier one begins investing, the more money then can amass for their future. Sound investments make money due to the principle of compound interest. Compound interest is what happens when you reinvest interest that you made in previous years and make interest on your past interest.

As anyone who is paying attention to their home or auto loan knows, compound interest can add up to a lot of money. AMP Capital uses a simple example. If you make 15% interest on $1,000 in one year and reinvest it, the next year you are making interest on $1,150.*

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