7 Common Myths about Life Insurance
When it comes to life insurance, many Australians are misinformed due to a number of myths that pass for “wisdom” in some circles. Unfortunately, many Australians buy into these myths and leave themselves and their families woefully underinsured or not insured at all. Here are seven myths about life insurance.
“I am Too Young and Healthy to Get Life Insurance.”
Many young people overestimate themselves but no one can really predict when illnesses and accidents happen. By getting life insurance early, you can be sure that your loved ones are protected.
“The Government Provides All of the Protection I Need.”
The current maximum disability pension (for 2013-2014) is only $569.80 every fortnight for a single person and only $475.90 each for married couples. Can you sustain your current lifestyle on that payment?
“I’m Covered by Workers Compensation.”
Unfortunately, Workers Compensation only covers you if you are hurt at work. Most illnesses and accidents don’t happen at work, meaning that most Australians who rely on Workers Compensation are out of luck.