Considering how many qualified financial advisors there are in Perth alone, it is distressing to many of us to learn that a lot of people are using online self managed superannuation fund (SMSF) services.
It sounds great on the surface: appeal to your ego and tell you that you are capable of outperforming qualified financial planning professionals by simply visiting a website and establishing your own SMSF in a few clicks. We are sorry, but any financial advisor in Perth will tell you that it simply doesn’t work that way.
In the interest of full disclosure, we will mention that our parent company, AMP, offers five different SMSF products, with myriad variations to serve any need. We should also mention that we can’t give individual advice without talking to you and gathering enough information to provide that advice. However, we can tell you why online SMSFs are so risky and we can provide general information.
Individual Advice from a Professional
Online SMSFs may work for some people. Unfortunately, everyone’s needs are different. The reason we can’t give individual advice in a blog is the very reason that online SMSFs are so dangerous: they are a “one size fits all product” being marketed to people who all have different needs.
A professional financial advisor who specialises in SMSFs does a lot more for you than an Internet product does. We meet with you face to face. We help you define where you are now, when you want to retire and how much money you need to retire comfortably. Then we work with you to formulate a plan to get from now to retirement. We work with you all the way and even give you a “financial checkup” on a regular basis to see if you need to recalibrate your goals.
Call Approved Financial Planners today to talk to a financial advisor in our Perth office. See the difference an individual plan makes.
Call 08 6462 0888 today.